
How would I search and replace multiple regexes using python re [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Closed 11 years ago.

Possible Duplicate:

Python replace multiple strings

I am looking to replace “ “, “\r”, “\n”, “<”, “>”, “’” (single quote), and ‘”’ (double quote) with “” (empty). I’m also looking to replace “;” and “|” with “,”.

Would this be handled by re.search since I want to be able to search anywhere in the text, or would I use re.sub.

What would be the best way to handle this? I have found bits a开发者_如何学编程nd pieces, but not where multiple regexes are handled.

If you need to replace only single characters then you could use str.translate():

import string

table = string.maketrans(';|', ',,')
deletechars = ' \r\n<>\'"'

print "ex'a;m|ple\n".translate(table, deletechars)
# -> exa,m,ple

If you want to remove all occurrences of those characters, just put them all in a character class and do re.sub()

your_str = re.sub(r'[ \r\n\'"]+', '', your_str)
your_str = re.sub(r'[;|]', ',', your_str)

You have to call re.sub() for every replacement rule.

import re

reg = re.compile('([ \r\n\'"]+)|([;|]+)')

ss = 'bo ba\rbu\nbe\'bi"by-ja;ju|jo'

def repl(mat, di = {1:'',2:','}):
    return di[mat.lastindex]

print reg.sub(repl,ss)

Note: '|' loses its speciality between brackets





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