
jquery mobile finger(s) detection

With jquery mobile, is it possible to detect the number of fingers that are on the screen? I a开发者_高级运维m an UI student trying to put together an application for a school project. Essentially I need to have a different feedback for one, two and three finger swipe but I am not sure on how jquery mobile or TouchSwipe plug-in do detection.

Thank you.

jQuery mobile (as of version 1.03b) only supports basic swipes, and does not distinguish between 1, 2, and 3 fingers.

touchSwipe (as of version 1.2.4) does support multi-finger swipes by passing in a finger option, however, the options are limited to either 1 or 2 fingers.

To my knowledge, there is currently no support for multiple fingers in jquery mobile and last time i checked TouchSwipe, it didn't feature that either. But there is another plugin - jQuery Multiswipe that should support multiple fingers. http://plugins.jquery.com/project/multiswipe





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