Rotating a sprite with Touch - Cocos2d
I know this question has been asked several times, trust me I have searched. I have found one answer to rotating a sprite with touch, but there has to be a simpler way.
All I need is for my sprite to rotate with my touch. Max rotation 0 Minimum rotation 0.
I know that I'll need a few checks.
int maxRot = 0;
int minRot = 0;
if (arrowRotation > maxRot)
//do or don't do something
} else if (arrowRotation < minRot)
//do or don't do something
Can someone lead me in the right direction to rotating a sprite with touch, with a minimun and maximum rotation?
Here is the code that I think is to complicated or can be accomplished in a simpler way.
-(void)ccTouchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject];
//acquire the previous touch location
CGPoint firstLocation = [touch previousLocationInView:[touch view]];
CGPoint location = [touch locationInView:[touch view]];
//preform all the same basic rig on both the current touch and previous touch
CGPoint touchingPoint = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] convertToGL:location];
CGPoint firstTouchingPoint = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] convertToGL:firstLocation];
CGPoint firstVector = ccpSub(firstTouchingPoint, _arrow.position);
CGFloat firstRotateAngle = -ccpToAngle(firstVector);
CGFloat previousTouch = CC_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(firstRotateAngle);
CGPoint vector = ccpSub(touchingPoint, _arrow.position);
CGFloat rotateAngle = -ccpToAngle(vec开发者_开发问答tor);
CGFloat currentTouch = CC_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(rotateAngle);
//keep adding the difference of the two angles to the dial rotation
arrowRotation += currentTouch - previousTouch;
Thanks in advance!
I dont think you can simplify the rotation into anything simpler. I honestly didnt get how you want to both the minimum and the maximum rotations to be zero. They cant be same value. If you want to limit the rotation to a maximum and minimum add the following to the end of your ccTouchesMoved:
if (arrowRotation >= maxRot) {
arrowRotation = maxRot;
else if (arrowRotation <= minRot) {
arrowRotation = minRot;
use KTOneFingerRotationGestureRecognizer
KTOneFingerRotationGestureRecognizer *rotation;
rotation = [[KTOneFingerRotationGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(rotating:)];
[[self Wheel] addGestureRecognizer:rotation];
[rotation release];
- (void)rotating:(KTOneFingerRotationGestureRecognizer *)recognizer {
view = [recognizer view];
if(isRotating == FALSE) {
[view setTransform:CGAffineTransformRotate([view transform], [recognizer rotation])];