
OCR for Silverlight?

Has anyone got experience in using an OCR toolkit that can be used from Silverlight?

If so, does the Silverlight app need to use elevated privileges?

Did it work on the Mac, Windows Phone as well开发者_JAVA百科 as a PC? (The PC case is most important for me)

I have used LEADTOOLS SDK before in my SL3 application. I believe they have OCR for .NET as well, but not sure if that includes Silvelight. You may want to check them out.

OCR-IT OCR Cloud 2.0 is OS-independent web-based cloud OCR service. I worked with Silverlight developers who successfully implemented it. For .NET there is complete sample code provided. You can contact the company should you require additional support or assistance. There is also no issue with high-cost licensing as it is free to start and simple pay-per-use once you go into production. Check the website for latest licensing details: http://www.ocr-it.com/ocr-cloud-2-0-api





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