Are there any Delphi DFM to Delphi source code convertion tools?
The Delphi form designer is very good but we need to work directly from source. Is there a tool or script that can take a开发者_开发技巧 batch of DFM files and convert them to Delphi source code?
You can use the ComponentsToCode
function from GExperts
It's difficult, but i have done a sollution
First, you design a Form Template with form editor, in Delphi, then you write a code to generate a .dfm with the same layout you designed.
For example, we can export an Edit with label we created in template.
var Component: integer;
For Component := 0 to Form1.ComponentCount -1 do
if Form1.Component[Component] is TEdit then
if Form1.Component[Component] is TLabel then
//all components kind you want
I just show a piece of code to aim this layout
class procedure TTemplateFormatter.ExportLabel(ALabel: TLabel; ALines: TStrings);
ALines.add(format(' object %s: %s', [ALabel.Name, ALabel.ClassName]));
ALines.add(format(' Left = %d', [ALabel.Left]));
ALines.add(format(' Top = %d', [ALabel.Top]));
ALines.add(format(' Width = %d', [ALabel.Width]));
ALines.add(format(' Height = %d', [ALabel.Height]));
ALines.add(format(' Caption = ''%s''', [ALabel.Caption]));
if Not ALabel.ParentFont then
ALines.add(format(' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET', []));
ALines.add(format(' Font.Color = clWindowText', []));
ALines.add(format(' Font.Height = %d', [ALabel.Font.Height]));
ALines.add(format(' Font.Name = ''%s', [ALabel.Font.Name]));
ALines.add(format(' Font.Style = []', []));
ALines.add(format(' ParentFont = False', []));
ALines.add(format(' end', []));