
Regex replacement

I have a string like this one:

| option1 = foo
| option2 = foo
| <!-- more options -->开发者_StackOverflow中文版
| something = xxx
| thisoption = xxx
| <!-- more options -->

I want it to be "thisoption = xxx" to be replaced by "thisoption = abc". It shouldn't matchany of the following:

| option1 = foo
| option2 = foo
| thisoption = xyz

| option1 = foo
| option2 = foo
| thisoption = xxx

How can I do this?

The question is a little vague, but try this:

re.sub(r'(?P<name>foobar[^}]* = xxx\b)', r'\g<name>2', string)

It looks for a match for foobar and a match for xxx without any closing braces in between, i.e. xxx is in foobar.

>>> string = '{{foobar\n| option1 = foo\n| option2 = foo\n| <!-- more options -->\n| thisoption = xxx\n| <!-- more options -->\n}}'
>>> re.sub(r'(?P<name>foobar[^\}]*xxx)', r'\g<name>2', string)
'{{foobar\n| option1 = foo\n| option2 = foo\n| <!-- more options -->\n| thisoption = xxx2\n| <!-- more options -->\n}}'

Your first test case; in this case xxx is replaced by xxx2.

>>> string = '{{foobar\n| option1 = foo\n| option2 = foo\n| thisoption = xyz\n}}'
>>> re.sub(r'(?P<name>foobar[^\}]*xxx)', r'\g<name>2', string)
'{{foobar\n| option1 = foo\n| option2 = foo\n| thisoption = xyz\n}}'

Second test case; nothing happens.

>>> string = '{{foobar\n| option1 = foo\n| option2 = foo\n}}\n{{someotherthing\n| thisoption = xxx\n}}'
>>> re.sub(r'(?P<name>foobar[^\}]*xxx)', r'\g<name>2', string)
'{{foobar\n| option1 = foo\n| option2 = foo\n}}\n{{someotherthing\n| thisoption = xxx\n}}'

Third test case; again nothing happens.

Hope this helps!

To answer my own question, this seemed to do the trick:

re.sub(r"(\{\{foobar[^\}]*)thisoption ?= ?xxx", r"\1thisoption = abc", string)

Thanks to everyone who helped out!

Your example looks kind of like an INI settings file, just with a different syntax. You should check out python's ConfigParser module, it already handles all this.

import re

ss = '''{{foobar
| option1 = foo
| option2 = foo
| <!-- more options -->
| something = xxx
| thisoption = xxx
| <!-- more options -->

tt = '''{{foobar
| option1 = foo
| option2 = foo
| thisoption = xyz

uu = '''{{foobar
| option1 = foo
| option2 = foo
| thisoption = xxx

regx = re.compile('(\{\{foobar *\r?\n'
                  '\| thisoption *= *)(xxx)')

for x in (ss,tt,uu,vv,zz):
    print regx.sub('\\1abcd',x)
    print re.sub(r'(?P<name>foobar[^\}]*xxx)', r'\g<name>2', x)
    print '\n-----------------------------------------------------------'


| option1 = foo
| option2 = foo
| <!-- more options -->
| something = xxx
| thisoption = abcd
| <!-- more options -->

| option1 = foo
| option2 = foo
| <!-- more options -->
| something = xxx
| thisoption = xxx2
| <!-- more options -->

| option1 = foo
| option2 = foo
| thisoption = xyz

| option1 = foo
| option2 = foo
| thisoption = xyz

| option1 = foo
| option2 = foo
| thisoption = xxx

| option1 = foo
| option2 = foo
| thisoption = xxx


The solution of discipulus , as I see it presently, doesn't work in the following cases:

vv = '''{{foobar
| option1 = foo
| option2 = foo
| thisoption = xxx
| last_xxxxx_option = toxic

zz = '''{{foobar
| option1 = foo
| option2 = foo
| thisoption = xxx
| last_option = toxxxic

for which:

| option1 = foo
| option2 = foo
| thisoption = abcd
| last_xxxxx_option = toxic

| option1 = foo
| option2 = foo
| thisoption = xxx
| last_xxxxx2_option = toxic

| option1 = foo
| option2 = foo
| thisoption = abcd
| last_option = toxxxic

| option1 = foo
| option2 = foo
| thisoption = xxx
| last_option = toxxx2ic





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