
Starting shell from android app to run separate executable

I want to start shell from android application because i want to run an executable file and pass few arguments and expect output.

I tried ProcessBuilder and process and run at runtime listenin开发者_运维知识库g to their io stream but android app does not allowing me to start shell is this permission issue??

I am getting all the time

runCommand error: Error running exec(). Command: [su] Working Directory: null Environment: null

Is there a way to run shell as an interface between running app as a process and process will be started from shell?

Shed some light on this issue thanks

Actually, when you use the "su" hack what you are getting is a shell that runs as root (if the device has been modified to support that)

If you don't want a root shell but an ordinary one running as your application's userid, you could presumably run /system/bin/sh or whatever it is on your device instead of su.





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