
How to select a row with particular class name in JQuery

I have a table as follows

        <td id="start">Starting Point<input type="button" value="start the test" onclick="get_the_next()" /></td>
        <td>not the right class - skip me</td>
    <tr class="concept1">
        <td>get me if you can!</td>
    <tr class="concept2">
        <td>but not me, I'm not the next</td>
        <td>not the right class - skip me</td>

I need to select row with class name "concept2". How can I do that in JQuery?

jQuery(function($) {
    var row = $('.concept2');

To explain, the jQuery(function($) { ... }); attaches the callback (ie the "function") to the DOM Ready event. This ensures your code only runs after the entire document had loaded.

The $('.concept2') uses jQuery's CSS style selectors. In this case, it is using the class selector.


To answer your comment, check out the manipulation category. An example might be

jQuery(function($) {
    $('tr.concept2').html('<td>new data</td>');

I suggest you get very familiar with the API.

try this one.

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    var rows = $('.concept2');

This will work on page ready event.



That ensures that only trs named concept2 will be selected, and not other elements. If there is only one <tr class="concept2">, use an ID instead.

You Can Use .each jquery method to do that..

 $("table").find("tr").each(function() { 


                //if we want to append the text of the td's then we use 


Hope This will helps you? +1 If Helpfull





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