
How to create disconnected line graph? [closed]

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I am working with Silverlight and WPF stock exchange application. I'm trying to create a 开发者_运维百科graph like scattered line graph.

How can I draw this chart? Can it be done by Silverlight Toolkit graph? Or can any one suggest me any easy but nice looking charting library?

I have drawn the chart image in paint for your reference.

How to create disconnected line graph? [closed]

You can create the above chart easily using Visifire. I have attached the following XAML code for the same.

<vc:Chart xmlns:vc="clr-namespace:Visifire.Charts;assembly=SLVisifire.Charts" Theme="Theme1" Width="500" Height="300">

                <vc:DataSeries RenderAs="Line">
                        <vc:DataPoint XValue="1" YValue="6"></vc:DataPoint>
                        <vc:DataPoint XValue="2" YValue="10"></vc:DataPoint>
                        <vc:DataPoint XValue="1.5" YValue="" ></vc:DataPoint>
                        <vc:DataPoint XValue="1.5" YValue="5" ></vc:DataPoint>
                        <vc:DataPoint XValue="3" YValue="3" ></vc:DataPoint>
                        <vc:DataPoint XValue="2.8" YValue="" ></vc:DataPoint>
                        <vc:DataPoint XValue="2.8" YValue="8" ></vc:DataPoint>
                        <vc:DataPoint XValue="3.5" YValue="12" ></vc:DataPoint>
                        <vc:DataPoint XValue="3.5" YValue="" ></vc:DataPoint>
                        <vc:DataPoint XValue="3.5" YValue="8" ></vc:DataPoint>
                        <vc:DataPoint XValue="4.2" YValue="12" ></vc:DataPoint>
                        <vc:DataPoint XValue="4" YValue="" ></vc:DataPoint>
                        <vc:DataPoint XValue="4" YValue="8" ></vc:DataPoint>
                        <vc:DataPoint XValue="5" YValue="6" ></vc:DataPoint>

As you can see, I have used single series here with broken lines.

Below is the image for the above chart XAML.

How to create disconnected line graph? [closed]

Why not just use the standard WPF/Silverlight drawing methods? Since your requirements are not too complex, you could just throw a canvas with some lines and rectangles:

private void AddEdge(Point from, Point to, int nodeWidth)
    Line line = new Line()
        X1 = from.X,
        Y1 = from.Y,
        X2 = to.X,
        Y2 = to.Y,
        Stroke = Brushes.Black,

    Rectangle nodeFrom = new Rectangle()
        Height = nodeWidth,
        Width = nodeWidth,
        Fill = Brushes.Black,
    Canvas.SetLeft(nodeFrom, from.X - nodeWidth / 2);
    Canvas.SetTop(nodeFrom, from.Y - nodeWidth / 2);

    Rectangle nodeTo = new Rectangle()
        Height = nodeWidth,
        Width = nodeWidth,
        Fill = Brushes.Black,
    Canvas.SetLeft(nodeTo, to.X - nodeWidth / 2);
    Canvas.SetTop(nodeTo, to.Y - nodeWidth / 2);


Then you can add edges easily:

Point from = new Point(15, 15);
Point to = new Point(100, 200);

AddEdge(from, to, 8);

You can also customize the styles of the nodes and lines as you want by only changing the brushes.

Hope it helps!

You want beautiful chart right? Then I Suggest you to look into Visifire. You can have a look to the following example from Visifire Chart Gallery.


How to create disconnected line graph? [closed]





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