
precompiled header files usage for library builders

According to this answer boost and STL headers belong into the precompiled header file (stdafx.h in the MSVC world). So I changed the headers of my dynamic link library project and moved all STL/Boost headers into the stdafx.h of my project.


#include <boost/smart_ptr.hpp>

namespace XXX
  class CLASS_DECL_BK CExampleClass // CLASS_DECL_BK is just a standard dll import/export macro
      boost::scoped_ptr<Replica> m_replica;


namespace XXX
  class CLASS_DECL_BK CExampleClass
      boost::scoped_ptr<Replica> m_replica;

Now I have the advantage of decreased compile times, but all the users of my library are getting build errors (e.g. unknown boost::scoped_ptr...) because of the missing includes (which are now moved to my stdafx.h).

What could be a solution for this dilemma?

I want reduced compile times and compile errors after including my headers files are not acceptable for any users of the dll.

Could this help?

  • leave all includes directives as they are but duplicate them in my 'stdafx.h'? Since the stdafx.h is always included first inside any cpp file of my project I should be fine, and the users won't get any errors. Or do I loose the speed advantage if multiple includes of the same header occur in one translation unit (got header guards)?

Thanks fo开发者_如何学Cr any hints!

You should get nearly the same speed increase when you leave the header-includes in place in the library headers and just additionally put them into stdafx.h.

Alternatively, you could add an additional define (a bulk external include guard)

// stdafx.h

// library_file.h
#include <boost/smart_ptr.hpp>

But I would only do that if you are sure it helps. Just take a stopwatch and run a few re-compilations. (No need to link.) Then you'll see if there's any difference.


I'm not sure if adding all boost headers that are needed somewhere in the project is such a good idea. I'd say shared_ptrand friends, boost/foreach, maybe Boost.Format, ... are a good idea, but I'd already think twice for the Boost.RegExp headers. Note: I did not do any speed measurements, but I dimly remember a problem with the size of the pch file and some compiler hiccup. I really should do some tests.

Also check if the Boost Library in question provides forwarding headers and whether you should include them instead. Bloating the precompiled header file can have it's downsides.

you could create a build configuration for this purpose (Debug, Release, CheckDependencies). a simple way to change this would be to use the preprocessor to include/exclude the includes based on the current configuration. using this, you can test and build using debug or release (which contains the larger set of includes), then build all configurations before distribution.

to clarify, the conditional include MON_LIBRARY_VALIDATE_DEPENDENCIES is not to be used in the library headers or sources, only in the precompiled header:

// my pch:
#include <file1.hpp>
#include <file2.hpp>
// ...

#include <boost/stuff.hpp>
// ...

then you would append MON_LIBRARY_VALIDATE_DEPENDENCIES to the list of preprocessor definitions in the CheckDependencies configuration.

regarding guards: it should not be a problem if you are using guards under normal circumstances - compilers use optimizations to detect these cases which means they can avoid opening the file in many cases if it's been multiply included and guarded correctly. in fact, attempts to outsmart the compiler in this arena can actually slow down to process. i'd say just leave it as typical unless your library/dependencies are huge and you really have noticeable problems.

Making your compilation units selfcontained (let them include everything they use) is very desirable. This will prevent compilation errors from others that do not use precompiled headers, and as you assume, header guards will keep the cost of these extra includes minimal.

This will also have the desirable side effect that a glance at the headers will tell the users which other headers are in use in the unit, and the options of doing a compilation of the single unit without any fuzz.





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