Get active Antlr rule
Is it possible to get the "active" ANTLR rule from which a action method was called?
Something like this log-function in Antlr-Pseudo-Code which should show the start and end position of some rules without hand over the $start- and $end-tokens with every log()-call:
private void log() {
System.out.println("Start: " + $activeRule.start.pos +
"End: " + $activeRule.stop.pos);
expr: multExpr (('+'|'-') multExpr)* {log(); }
: atom('*' atom)* {log(); }
atom:开发者_运维知识库 INT
| ID {log(); }
| '(' expr ')'
No, there is no way to get the name of the rule the parser is currently in. Realize that parser rules are, by default, simply Java methods returning a void
. From a Java method, you cannot find out the name of it at run-time after all (when inside of this method).
If you set output=AST
in the options { ... }
of your grammar, every parser rule creates (and returns) an instance of a ParserRuleReturnScope
called retval
: so you could use that for your purposes:
// ...
options {
// ...
private void log(ParserRuleReturnScope rule) {
System.out.println("Rule: " + rule.getClass().getName() +
", start: " + rule.start +
", end: " + rule.stop);
expr: multExpr (('+'|'-') multExpr)* {log(retval);}
: atom('*' atom)* {log(retval);}
atom: INT
| ID {log(retval);}
| '(' expr ')'
// ...
This is however not a very reliable thing to do: the name of the variable may very well change in the next version of ANTLR.
(for Antlr4)
I was googling on how to get the name of the active rule and found this post. After some more research, I have found how to do it :
prog: statement[this.getRuleNames() /* parser rule names */]* EOF
statement [String[] rule_names]
locals [String rule_name]
@after { System.out.println("The statement is a " + $rule_name + " : `" + $text + "`"); }
: stmt_a[rule_names] {$rule_name = $stmt_a.rule_name;}
stmt_a [String[] rule_names] returns [String rule_name]
: 'stmt_a' { $rule_name = rule_names[$ctx.getRuleIndex()]; }
A more general solution passes the context on to the surrounding rule, from which you can extract all informations about the last active rule.
File RuleName.g4
grammar RuleName;
@init {System.out.println("Last update 1026");}
: statement[this.getRuleNames() /* parser rule names */]* EOF
statement [String[] rule_names]
locals [String rule_name, ParserRuleContext context]
@after { $rule_name = rule_names[$context.getRuleIndex()];
System.out.println("The statement is a " + $rule_name + " : `" + $text + "`" + " from " + $start + " to " + $stop); }
: stmt_a {$context = (ParserRuleContext)$stmt_a.context;}
| stmt_b {$context = (ParserRuleContext)$stmt_b.context;}
| stmt_c {$context = (ParserRuleContext)$stmt_c.context;}
stmt_a returns [Stmt_aContext context]
: 'stmt_a' more { $context = $ctx; }
stmt_b returns [Stmt_bContext context]
: 'stmt_b' more { $context = $ctx; }
stmt_c returns [Stmt_cContext context]
: 'stmt_c' more { $context = $ctx; }
: ID+
ID : [A-Z] ;
WS : [ \t]+ -> channel(HIDDEN) ;
NL : [\r\n]+ -> skip ;
File input.txt
stmt_c X Y Z
stmt_a A B C
stmt_b D E F
Execution :
$ export CLASSPATH=".:/usr/local/lib/antlr-4.9-complete.jar"
$ alias a4='java -jar /usr/local/lib/antlr-4.9-complete.jar'
$ alias grun='java org.antlr.v4.gui.TestRig'
$ a4 -no-listener RuleName.g4
$ javac RuleName*.java
$ grun RuleName prog -tokens input.txt
[@1,6:6=' ',<WS>,channel=1,1:6]
[@3,8:8=' ',<WS>,channel=1,1:8]
[@5,10:10=' ',<WS>,channel=1,1:10]
Last update 1026
The statement is a stmt_c : `stmt_c X Y Z` from [@0,0:5='stmt_c',<3>,1:0] to [@6,11:11='Z',<4>,1:11]
The statement is a stmt_a : `stmt_a A B C` from [@7,13:18='stmt_a',<1>,2:0] to [@13,24:24='C',<4>,2:11]
The statement is a stmt_b : `stmt_b D E F` from [@14,26:31='stmt_b',<2>,3:0] to [@20,37:37='F',<4>,3:11]