Why doesn't this Haskell I translated to Python work properly?
average x y = (x + y) / 2
sqrt' :: (Ord a, Fractional a) => a -> Int -> a
sqrt' 0 _ = 0.0
sqrt' 1 _ = 1.0
sqrt' s approximations = (infsqr' s) !! approximations
infsqr' n = unfoldr acc 1 where
acc guess | guess < 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (newguess', newguess') where
newguess' = average guess (n / guess)
def unfold(f, x):
while True:
w, x = f(x)
yield w
def average(x, y):
return float((x + y) / 2)
def acc(guess):
if guess < 1:
return None
newguess = average(guess, (float(n/guess)))
return (newguess, newguess)
n = 9
print unfold(acc, 1).next()
print unfold(acc, 1).next()
It should output the next two values of the list, e.g. 5.0开发者_JS百科, 3.4
But it outputs 5.0 twice, why?
If you called unfold again, your generator will regenerate again, so you need to assign it to variable.
>>> res = unfold(acc, 1)
>>> print res.next()
>>> print res.next()