
CDI Injection Outside Filters and Servlets in a Servlet 3.0 Container

I finally decided to have a look at Weld in Tomcat. When I deploy my app I see in the log:

"Tomcat 7 detected, CDI injection will be available in Servlets and Filters"

How can for example create an instance of a bean using the BeanManager outside a Filter/Servlet?

I have a bean:

public class CarService implements Serializable{

and I want to create an instance of it using the BeanManager for the spec开发者_JAVA技巧ified request context.

Context ctx = new InitialContext();
BeanManager manager = (BeanManager) ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/BeanManager");

If this can be done in a servlet/filter I am sure it can be done anywhere else but I just do not want to go through the Weld code and figure it out myself without asking first.

Thank you very much.

Using the BeanManager is something that you should rarely do. The point is to use @Inject in places where you need dependencies (which is dependency injection). Using the manager is the "service-locator" pattern.

If you really need it, use manager.getBeans(yourDesiredClass), then pick one from the set and call manager.getReference(bean, theClass, ctx). ctx will be obtained by manager.createCreationalContext(bean)

I already used this Seam code which gave me all I needed.

public static <T> T getContextualInstance(final BeanManager manager, final Class<T> type) {
        T result = null;
        Bean<T> bean = (Bean<T>) manager.resolve(manager.getBeans(type));
        if (bean != null) {
            CreationalContext<T> context = manager.createCreationalContext(bean);
            if (context != null) {
                result = (T) manager.getReference(bean, type, context);
        return result;




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