Reveal div when link is clicked
Using mootools.js 1.3.2 and mootools-more.js
As far as I can tell this is supposed to reveal the div and also hide the content and linkTab divs at the same time.
$('blogLink').addEvent('click', function(){
This is the HTML
<a href="#" id="blogLink">Blog</a>
<div id="blogContent">
content here
It all works properly and that's OK but in addition to this, I also want to be able to give people a URL like and have that blogContent div opened. When I do that now, it takes me to the top of the page and the blogContent div is hidden.
How do I do achieve that? I did try adding the mootools-smoothscroll.js and using the method outlined here but that just broke the entire page - would not load properly.
I have zero experience with mootools and weak on Javascript so please excuse me if I take a while to 'get' what you're trying to explain.
Many thanks.
First, are you particularly attached to MooTools? If you're a JavaScript newbie, jQuery is probably easier to use and definitely has a larger support community. But I'll post a solution that should work in MooTools for now:
If I understand you correctly, what you want to achieve is the following:
- The anonymous function you posted will run when "Blog" is clicked
- The function will also run if someone visits the page with
in the URL.
That's not too difficult to achieve:
// Once the DOM has loaded - so that our elements are definitely available
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
// Check for #blogLink hashtag, and reveal blog
if(window.location.hash == 'blogLink') { revealBlog(); }
// Make sure blog is revealed when link is clicked
$('blogLink').addEvent('click', revealBlog);
function revealBlog() {
You could also change your link mark-up to:
<a href="#blogLink" id="blogLink">Blog</a>
To make sure they're always on the correct link when the blog is revealed.