
TCL script generator for NS2

Is there an open source TCL script generator for NS2? There is NAM that comes with NS2. Is there anyt开发者_StackOverflow社区hing else. A web based one would be great!

NSG is a good TCL code generator that is free. Check out


You may also want to check out mannasim


A general Tcl script generator? That's quite tricky, as Tcl's really a general programming language. But if you're interested in just generating simple programs, it's not that hard. A Tcl command is a sequence of words separated by spaces and terminated by a newline character. Where you've got characters that are Tcl's metacharacters, you can quote them by putting a backslash in front (except for newline; replace that with \n instead). Anything more complicated than a simple call can probably be relegated to a procedure, but I doubt you need anything particularly complex for NS2 scripts.

If you want something pre-written, there's NSG but I don't know very much about it. It's Java, not web-based.

This operation system is user-friendly to criation of the TCL scripts.

There also several tools includes him. Mannasim, Castalia, OMNET++...

Look: http://sourceforge.net/projects/liowsn/





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