
imshow for 3D? (Python / Matplotlib) [closed]

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does there exist an equivalent to matplotlib's imshow()-function for 3D-drawing of datas stored in a 3D numpy array?

This is ill-defined, since how would you see stuff that was not at the surface of the cube?

The Mayavi documentation has various approaches of ways to do what you want to do, including cut planes and voxel-specific alpha channels. See visualizing volumetric scalar data.

Suffice it to say this requires Mayavi and is rather beyond the scope of matplotlib's (handy, but limited) 3D features.

matplotlib cannot plot 3d image. you can use mayavi instead.

Maybe you could use mplot3d to plot 3D objects. Here is one of the example codes.

What you want is a kind of 3D image (a block). Maybe you could plot it by slices (using imshow() or whatever the tool you want).

Maybe you could tell us what kind of plot you want?





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