
Where can I find videos to download in different resolutions

I am looking for (and not sure there is such a thing...) a database for videos where I could search for videos and download them by their resolution, length and other technical attributes.

The reason I ask is t开发者_StackOverflow社区hat I'd like to test some computer vision algorithm on different types of data.

I would write a script around a single (or maybe a few) selected videos and use ffmpeg to convert them to various resolution, bitrate, frame-rate, format as required to form the test data set.

Something along the lines of:

ffmpeg -i source.avi -vcodec h263 -b 200000 -r 25 -s 240x160 test.mov

Full info on ffmpeg here and here.

If you are particularly interested in testing a specific thing (always a good idea) - you can also generate "synthetic" video data using OpenCV (e.g. if testing tracking, create a blob moving on a known functional trajectory).

You can find a lot of stuff here : http://vasc.ri.cmu.edu/idb/ and in the links provided on the page.

You can make movies from images using this





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