
Passing Returned Data from a PHP Script into a Highcharts data[] block?

I have a Highchart scatter chart that plots data calculated using a PHP script. Values are passed to the PHP script via the jQuery .get function and returned to an ExpressionEngine template. The PHP code I'm using is like so:

    printf("{x:'%3.2f',y:'%3.2f',fillColor:'#058DC7'},",$annualReturns[2] * 100.0,$annualSemiStDev[2]);
    printf("{x:'%3.2f',y:'%3.2f',fillColor:'#50B432'},",$annualReturns[3] * 100.0,$annualSemiStDev[3]);
    printf("{x:'%3.2f',y:'%3.2f',fillColor:'#ED561B'},",$annualReturns[4] * 100.0,$annualSemiStDev[4]);

Once back in the ExpressionEngine template, the data is immediately shuffled off to 开发者_如何学编程the Highcharts library through a JavaScript function (some of the data going into the PHP script is compiled by another JavaScript function) which creates the Highcharts scatter plot.


This is where I'm running into my issue. The data needs to render, as expected here:

  series: [{
          name: 'Custom',
          data:[ DATA NEEDS TO LIVE HERE ]

To confirm I'm getting the right data, immediately inside the updateScatterChart function, I'm displaying the results in an alert window -- using alert(data) -- and I get this:


which, when pasted inside my data[] block my scatter chart renders as expected. So, my data is good. That pasted code block looks like this:

  series: [{
          name: 'Custom',

The connection point I'm missing is getting that returned data to output directly into the data:[] block.

I'm fairly new to PHP and less so to JavaScript, but switching languages like this (moving data from PHP to JavaScript) is still a bit beyond my knowledge base.

    $data = array(
        (object)array('x'=>12.48, 'y'=>3.52, 'fillOClor'=>'#058DC7'),
        (object)array('x'=>34.82, 'y'=>16.11, 'fillOClor'=>'#50B432'),
        //more to come
series: [{
      name: 'Custom',
      data: <?php echo json_encode($data)?>

Note square brackets are removed from data





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