
Using eval() with Undefined Variables

I want to create a Python script that takes in a string representation of a dictionary and outputs a list of tuples representing the items of the dictionary. The rub is, I want it to take in variables that have not been defined. An example illustrates this best:

Input: {'test': test}

Output: [('test': test)]

I've created some code to read in the dictionary and define the variables that haven't yet been defined, but when I eval() the result, it substitutes in the actual value of the variable rather than the variable name.

Here is the code:

import sys
import re

if __name__ == "__main__":
    instr = sys.arg开发者_StackOverflow社区v[1]
    success = False
    while not success:
            indict = eval(instr)
            success = True
        except NameError, e:
            defname = re.search("name '([^\']*)' is not defined", str(e))
            locals()[defname.group(1)] = 0
    print indict

I was hoping, for the above defined input value, that the dict it printed out would match the input string perfectly, but instead it has substituted in the value of 0 for test. Thus the script prints out:

{'test': 0}

I have tried ast.literal_eval, but it throws a ValueError: malformed string for any variable name in the literal, even if it's been defined.

Thus, my question is: Is there a way to convert the input dictionary without losing the variable names?

I would use the ast module, but not literal_eval. Walk the tree, when you find a variable reference, just insert the name of the variable into the output.

You can trick eval into giving you what you want:

class Reflector(object):
    def __getitem__(self, name):
        return name

s = "{'test':test}"

print eval(s, globals(), Reflector())


{'test': 'test'}

The usual caveats about the dangers of eval hold though: if you have any doubts about the source of these strings, you are opening yourself up for hacking.

I think the problem you are having is that you want to evaluate the name of a variable instead of the value of that variable. In particular, {'test':test} would never be the output of printing a dictionary because test is not a value in python, it is possibly the name of a variable. The closest you can get is assigning

locals()[defname.group(1)] = defname.group(1)

to get


I think a reasonable workaround is to pass eval something that preserves undefined variables in a useful way. You can pass any dict subclass to eval, and you can override the __missing__ method of dict to return an 'undefined variable' object:

>>> class Var(object):
...     def __init__(self, name):
...         self.name = name
...     def __repr__(self):
...         return "Var(%r)" % (self.name,)
>>> class UndefSubst(dict):
...     def __missing__(self, key):
...         return Var(key)
>>> foo = 'bar'
>>> eval("{'baz': quux, 1: foo}", UndefSubst(locals()))
{1: 'bar', 'baz': Var('quux')}

I solved this problem by substituting in unique strings for the names of the variables. This produces the desired result:

import sys
import re

if __name__ == "__main__":
    instr = sys.argv[1]
    subs = []
    success = False
    while not success:
            indict = eval(instr)
            success = True
        except NameError, e:
            defname = re.search("name '([^\']*)' is not defined", str(e)).group(1)
            locals()[defname] = '//substitute{%d}' % (len(subs) - 1)
    outlist = indict.items()
    outstr = str(outlist)
    for i, sub in enumerate(subs):
        outstr = outstr.replace("'//substitute{%d}'" % i, sub)
    print outstr

Input: {"test": test}

Output: [('test', test)]

Input: {"test": [{"test": test}, {word: "word"}]}

Output: [('test', [{'test': test}, {word: 'word'}])] (note that this is desirable, I don't want the inner dictionary zipped).

The minor downside is that I can never have whatever substitution string I elect to use anywhere in the input string, but I am reasonably certain this will not be an issue for what I wish to use this script for.





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