How do I find the path with the biggest sum of weights in a weighted graph?
I have a bunch of objects with level, weight and 0 or more connections to objects of the next levels. I want to know how do I get the "heaviest" path (with the biggest sum of weights).
I'd also love to know of course, what books teach me how to deal with graphs i开发者_StackOverflown a practical way.
Your graph is acyclic right? (I presume so, since a node always points to a node on the next level). If your graph can have arbritrary cycles, the problem of finding the largest path becomes NP-complete and brute force search becomes the only solution.
Back to the problem - you can solve this by finding, for each node, the heaviest path that leads up to it. Since you already have a topological sort of your DAG (the levels themselves) it is straighfoward to find the paths:
For each node, store the cost of the heaviest path that leads to it and the last node before that on the said path. Initialy, this is always empty (but a sentinel value, like a negative number for the cost, might simplify code later)
For nodes in the first level, you already know the cost of the heaviest path that ends in them - it is zero (and the parent node is
)For each level, propagate the path info to the next level - this is similar to a normal algo for shortest distance:
for level in range(nlevels): for node in nodes[level]: cost = the cost to this node for (neighbour_vertex, edge_cost) in (the nodes edges): alt_cost = cost + edge_cost if alt_cost < cost_to_that_vertex: cost_to_that_vertex = alt_cost
My book recommendation is Steve Skiena's "Algorithm Design Manual". There's a nice chapter on graphs.
I assume that you can only go down to a lower level in the graph.
Notice how the graph forms a tree. Then you can solve this using recursion:
heaviest_path(node n) = value[n] + max(heaviest_path(children[n][0]), heaviest_path(children[n][1]), etc)
This can easily be optimized by using dynamic programming instead.
Start with the children with the lowest level. Their heaviest_path
is just their own value. Keep track of this in an array. Then calculate the heaviest_path
for then next level up. Then the next level up. etc.
The method which i generally use to find the 'heaviest' path is to negate the weights and then find the shortest path. there are good algorithms( to find the shortest path. But this method holds good as long as you do not have a positive-weight cycle in your original graph.
For graphs having positive-weight cycles the problem of finding the 'heaviest' path is NP-complete and your algorithm to find the heaviest path will have non-polynomial time complexity.