Is this correct way to handle RESTful like URL in Lift Framework?
If I have a URL like http://localhost/Test/edit/{id} and I would like the {id} transform to a parameter instead of URL path part.
Is it best way to do it by create a menu with RewriteRequest? Because I found it a little boilerplate if I have lot URL pattern like this.
val me开发者_开发百科nu = Menu(new Loc[Unit] {
override def name = "Test"
override def text = "Test"
override def link = (List ("Test"), true)
override def params = Nil
override def defaultValue = Full(())
def isTarget (path: ParsePath) = path match {
case ParsePath (List("Test", "edit", id), _, _, _) => true
case _ => false
override def rewrite = Full ( NamedPF("Test") {
case RewriteRequest (path, _, _) if isTarget(path) =>
RewriteResponse(List("Test", "edit"),
Map("id" -> "1024")) -> ()
In your boot.scala you need the following (from actual working code!) Note that each RewriteResponse path must be in your sitemap.
LiftRules.rewrite.append {
case RewriteRequest(ParsePath(List("shopInfo", "view", id), _, _, _), _, _) => RewriteResponse("shopInfo" :: "view" :: Nil, Map("id" -> id))
case RewriteRequest(ParsePath(List("shopInfo", "orders", id), _, _, _), _, _) => RewriteResponse("shopInfo" :: "orders" :: Nil, Map("id" -> id))
case RewriteRequest(ParsePath(List("shopInfo", "sync", id), _, _, _), _, _) => RewriteResponse("shopInfo" :: "sync" :: Nil, Map("id" -> id))
case RewriteRequest(ParsePath(List("shopInfo", "delete", id), _, _, _), _, _) => RewriteResponse("shopInfo" :: "delete" :: Nil, Map("id" -> id))
case RewriteRequest(ParsePath(List("shopInfo", "edit", id), _, _, _), _, _) => RewriteResponse("shopInfo" :: "edit" :: Nil, Map("id" -> id))
Thanks for all of your replies.
What I want most is that these rewrite things combined tightly with Menu, so I could setup them just in my Model class, like CRUDify trait.
In the end, I created a subclass of Loc myself to handle these rewrite rules, and I found it works pretty well and make things much simpler (at least for me), so I post the code here.
Feel free to copy this if anyone need it
* A RESTful-like URL handling Loc
* If you have the following templates:
* * webapps/item/edit.html
* * webapps/item/view.html
* You want the following URL map to corresponding template with
* last path component as a S parameter.
* http://localhost/item/edit/1 to http://localhost/item/edit
* http://localhost/item/view/1 to http://localhost/item/view
* You could create a Menu with this Loc class in your Model object.
* <code>
* object Item extends Item with LongKeyedMetaMapper[Item]
* {
* // Other methods here...
* def menu () {
* // What methods do we have?
* val methods = List ("view", "edit")
* val parameterName = "itemID"
* val itemLoc = new RESTfulLoc("Item", List("item"), "Item",
* methods, parameterName)
* Menu (itemLoc)
* }
* }
* </code>
* Now add the menu to SiteMap in Boot.boot
* <code>
* class Boot {
* def boot () {
* val entries = :: Nil
* LiftRules.setSiteMap(SiteMap(entries:_*))
* }
* }
* </code>
* Finally, You could access the parameter in your snippet with
* S.param("itemID")
class RESTfulLoc (val name: String, val path: List[String],
val text: LinkText[Unit], val methods: List[String],
val parameterName: String,
val locParams: LocParam[Unit]*) extends Loc[Unit]
override val defaultValue = Full(())
override val params = locParams.toList
override val link: Link[Unit] = (List(path.first), true)
def this (name: String, path: List[String], text: LinkText[Unit],
methods: List[String], locParams: LocParam[Unit]*) =
this (name, path, text, methods, "id", locParams:_*)
private def isTarget (path: ParsePath) =
path.partPath -- this.path match {
case List (action, id) => {
(methods contains action) && id != "index"
case _ => false
override def rewrite = Full (NamedPF("RESTfulLoc")
case RewriteRequest (path, _, _) if isTarget(path) => {
val parameter = path.partPath.last
val action = path.partPath.init
val data = Map (parameterName -> parameter)
RewriteResponse(action, data) -> ()
I stumbled on this post because I had the same question. The answer from Jim Barrows is correct (and the easiest), but without any explanation it was hard for me to grok what that code is doing. A detailed explanation of why Jim's solution works can be found in the Lift book online ( Check out section 3.12, entitled "URL Rewriting" which walks you through step-by-step on how to build a RESTful URL.
At any rate, there should be no need to write a custom Loc to achieve the desired effect.
Best of luck!
Sorry, the comment above is a liitle messy.
The problem is that if I have a template named edit.html under webapp/Test, which is the template I use to edit an item.
And I have a Menu instance like the following:
Menu (Loc("Test", List("Test") -> true, "Test"))
It would only match URL like http://localhost/Test/edit, not anything like http://localhost/Test/edit/1
Why do you want to change it to query param? Is it for technical or framework reasons?
The {id} belongs in my view to the URI path, it identifies a unique resource and I like to keep this information inside the path. The URIs can be any kind of character string (so query parameter would also work), but I would model the URIs as close resource-id conformant as possible.