Replicate Java into Python
I'm not very well-versed in how the internets work, so I'm not really sure what this java method is doing or how to best replicate it in python. I have tried several different methods including urllibs and sockets, but nothing seems to work. The only time I get a response I end up getting a huge HTML document when the response should only be about 5 lines of xml.
Any help would be greatly appreciate, thanks guys :).
try {
开发者_如何学C URL url = new URL( sPROTOCOL, sHOSTNAME, sPAGENAME );
URLConnection url_con = url.openConnection();
url_con.setUseCaches (false);
url_con.setRequestProperty ("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
String input_xml = make_XML( sAppID, sAppPassword, sUserID, sPassword );
if (bDEBUG) {
System.out.println( "\nINPUT XML------------------\n" + input_xml );
System.out.println( "\nEND INPUT XML--------------\n" );
BufferedWriter writebuf = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(url_con.getOutputStream()));
writebuf.write( URLEncoder.encode( input_xml, "UTF-8" ) ); //Java 1.4.x and later
//writebuf.write( URLEncoder.encode( input_xml ) ); //Java 1.3.1 and earlier
writebuf = null;
HashMap hm = parseResp(url_con);
it looks like it's opening a connection to sHOSTNAME, sending the XML data generated by make_XML (apparently as a single POST parameter called XMLData, so sPROTOCOL must be HTTP), and then processing the response in parseResp.
in python you would use httplib. the final example at is doing something similar (but is sending three parameters). note that the code you posted is kind of ugly, in that it explicitly writes the POST contents - in python you would just give the XML as a parameter.