
Endpoint reference for the Operation not found error

I used this wsdl file : http://ihexds.nist.gov:9080/tf6/services/xdsrepositoryb?wsdl to generate a proxy C# code file using wsdl.exe. Exact command is

"wsdl /o:D:\NIST_stuff /l:CS /protocol:SOAP12 http://ihexds.nist.gov:9080/tf6/services/xdsrepositoryb?wsdl"

Now, I need to invoke the operation named "ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetRequest". From the WSDL you can see that the operation takes a "ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetRequestRequest" and returns a "ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetRequestResponse" :

<wsdl:operation name="ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetRequest">
<wsdl:input message="ns2:ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetRequestRequest" wsaw:Action="urn:ihe:iti:2007:ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSet-b"/>
<wsdl:output message="ns2:ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetRequestResponse" wsaw:Action="urn:ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetRequestResponse"/>

I know what the SOAP request xml sho开发者_如何学Culd look like and I have an application that prepares that XML. I am hoping for some way to pass that XML as the request body.

But in the proxy class generated, the code for the operation invocation looks like this:

public void ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetRequest() {
        this.Invoke("ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetRequest", new object[0]);}

When i call the method like this :

            WebProxy webProxy = new WebProxy("x.x.x.x:80", true);

            xdsrepositoryb xdsrepositoryb = new xdsrepositoryb();
            xdsrepositoryb.Proxy = webProxy;

I get error :

The endpoint reference (EPR) for the Operation not found is http://ihexds.nist.gov:9080/tf6/services/xdsrepositoryb and the WSA Action =

Any hints whats wrong ? Im a first timer with web services.

if you look closely there is only input/output for http binding not soap 1.1/1.2.

So you will only be able to call the ws with a httprequest and addxml in the body yourself.





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