How can a class, extending another class, extends Object class though multiple inheritance is not allowed?
Since I am new to java. I want to know if multiple ineritance is not sup开发者_开发知识库ported in java then how a class extends another class alongwith the default superclass Object?
Because although multiple inheritance isn't allowed, one class can inherit from another which can inherit from another - and eventually the class at the top of that chain will inherit from object (it'll do that if you don't specify any specific class for it to inherit from.)
Although this is already answered, here is a diferent perspective. Try to think of it in human terms. You can't have 2 biological fathers, but you inherit the traits from your father, your grandfather, great grandfather and so on... In the same way, when you extend a class, that class becomes the parent class and you'll inherit traits from every parent class up the tree.
There are two similar sounding concepts related to inheritance Multiple Inheritance and Multi-Level Inheritance.
Multiple Inheritance is not allowed in java. This stops a class from inheriting multiple classes. For example we can't declare a class as:
Class C extends A, C
But as multilevel inheritance is allowed, extending of class B, which extends class A, by class C is allowed. So class hierarchies like
Class B extends A
Class C extends B
is allowed.
"Multiple inheritance" is different than what you describe - it refers to a single class extending more than one class, such as
public class MultipleClass extends ClassA, ClassB
What you have described is just a hierarchy of inheritance.