
Possible to do In-App Purchasing using Adobe Air SDK

I'm working on a digital series of interactive books for a client using the Adobe Air SDK. Recently the client decided they want the ability to add in-app purchasing to build a little library of books you've already purchased开发者_Go百科 and books you've yet to. I'm aware these features exist natively and through others like phone gap and titanium but the books are already created and the timeframe won't allow these options.

Is it possible or does anyone know how to hook into the in-app purchasing feature of iOS via Airs mobile SDK?

Thanks in advance!

You can use the new AIR 3.0 SDK (Available on Labs and will be releasing soon) from http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/air3.html which has a new feature called Native Extensions. Which allows you to jump to/from AS into obj-c/c code. Using this you can implement the storekit functionality in an onj-c static library and call this functionality from Actionscript.

I have written one sample for in-app purchases at http://code.google.com/p/in-app-purchase-air-ios/

The homepage includes links to ADC articles which explain how you can implement,use,package the native extensions.

It looks like it may be possible with the latest release of AIR 3. Adobe has developed a feature called Native Extensions that will allow developers to write code in the target platforms native language and interface it with the ActionScript.

With this in mind, it sounds like a clever developer could write a framework for using the Native Extension feature to communicate with the in-app purchase API.

Let me know if someone does that :)





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