
Realtime serial data logging with Python - design advice

I am having to design a small program that reads the GPRMC sentence from a GPS logging device on a laptop computer. I am reading the raw values over serial connection. Once I read the raw value I will parse the GPRMC sentence (12 comma delimited values) and put them into a sqllite database so that another application can read them.

I was wanting some professional advice and some tips on implementation. The parts of the program I am wanting the most advice about are:

  • Performance (does this seem like a very cpu intensive process?)
  • Error checking (Need to think of all possible error states)
  • Ease of updating (I开发者_StackOverflow社区f I make a change to the code tree will it be easy to update the program)

Depends on whether or not the program must be embeddable. If not, there is Redis (http://redis.io) with a very efficient time series implementation. And there is a Django Dash 2011 app Staste that does just that - http://staste.unfoldthat.com/. I didn't test it myself, but the code looks fine and the demo is promising.





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