WPF event handler for minimizing a Ribbon?
Anyone know if the Ribbon control (using a Ribbon Window WPF project in VS 2010) has an event handler for when the tabs are minimized?
I t开发者_开发知识库ried looking around the events but I couldn't find anything that worked.
I'm assuming you want the Ribbon.Collapsed event, or it's corresponding Expanded event.
Its IsMinimizedChanged in older version. I am using version 2.0 and had to disable minimize functionality on ribbon.
IsMinimizedChanged event is called when the minimize button on ribbon is clicked or someone double click on the tab.
I inherited the Ribbon and added the following code to detect if Ribbon is being minimized or maximized:
Event IsMinimizedChanged As EventHandler
Private mIsMinimized As Boolean
Protected Overrides Sub OnChildDesiredSizeChanged(child As UIElement)
If TypeOf child Is Grid Then
If Not mIsMinimized = IsMinimized Then
RaiseEvent IsMinimizedChanged(Me, EventArgs.Empty)
mIsMinimized = IsMinimized
End If
End If
End Sub