
fscanf() only reading in one record, and ignoring the rest

I am reading in records, using fscanf and using a while condition to test that it's reading in expected number of inputs. However, It stops reading in new records after it has read the first one. I can't seeem to put my finger on it.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct{
    char name[20];
    int age;
    float highBP;
    float lowBP;
    float riskFactor;

    } patient; 

    patient *pRecords[29];
    int counter = 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv)

int i=0;

    pRecords[i] = (patient *)malloc(sizeof(patient));

FILE *fp;
fp = fopen("data.dat", "r");

if(fp == NULL){

    printf("cannot open file\n\n");
return 1;

    while(fscanf(fp, "name:\t%s\nage:\t%d\nbp:\t%f %f\nrisk:\t%f\n\n", pRecords[counter]->name, &pRecords[counter]->age, &pRecords[counter]->highBP, &pRecords[counter]->lowBP, &pRecords[counter]->riskFactor) == 5){
    //printf("%d\n",fscanf(fp, "name:\t%s\nage:\t%d\nbp:\t%f %f\nrisk:\t%f\n\n", pRecords[counter]->name, &pRecords[counter]->age, &pRecords[counter]->highBP, &pRecords[counter]->lowBP, &pRecords[counter]->riskFactor));

    printf("%s\n", pRecords[counter]->name);
    printf("%d\n", pRecords[counter]->age);
    printf("%f\n", pRecords[counter]->highBP);
    printf("%f\n", pRecords[counte开发者_如何学JAVAr]->lowBP);
    printf("%f\n", pRecords[counter]->riskFactor);



name:   hank
age:    32
bp:     32.00 32.00
risk:   0.0

name:   tom
age:    21
bp:     121.00 81.00
risk:   2.0

name:   cindy
age:    32
bp:     190.00 900.00
risk:   5.0

You define an array with space for 29 elements

patient *pRecords[29];

and then proceed with assigning values to 30 elements.


    pRecords[i] = (patient *)malloc(sizeof(patient));


Don't do that! Anything can happen, including the behaviour you describe.

Also, don't cast the return value of malloc(). It is redundant at best and may hide an error the compiler would have caught in the absence of the spurious cast.

I like to use information the compiler already knows for loops and malloc and stuff

patient *pRecords[29];
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof pRecords / sizeof *pRecords; i++) { /* 1 */
    pRecords[i] = malloc(sizeof **pRecords);                      /* 2 */
  • line /* 1 */: sizeof pRecords / sizeof *pRecords is the number of elements (pointers) in the array
  • line /* 2 */: sizeof **pRecords is the size of each (dereferenced) element




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