
Need to pass two arguments to Python script from OBJ-C iOS App

Im new at writing code in general and I need some help converting a Python Script to OBJ-C for an iOS App.

I have a python script running an XMLRPC server on a Network Bridge.

I have an iOS App written in Xcode4 that needs to make a call to the python script running on the Network Bridge when a button is pressed.

I also have an XMLRPC Client script written in Python that can access the XMLRPC Server.

Basically I need to convert the Python XMLRPC Client script to OBJ-C so I can run it on the iOS app.

Python XMLRPC Client Script:

from xmlrpclib import ServerProxy, Binary
import time
yourAddr = Binary('\x00\x00\x04') # SNAP Address of this client application
ourAddr = Binary('\x4c\x6f\x8c') # SNAP Address of this client application 
count =0
def listenForResponse(srv):
    global count
    """ Wait and listen for a mcast count message """
    eventResp = srv.waitOnEvent(ourAddr,1)
    if eventResp != None and eventResp['methodName'] == "setButtonCount": 
        # The count should be the first parameter
        print "The button count = ", (eventResp['parameters'][0]), "\n"
        if eventResp == None:
            print "time out "
            print "...not the response we were looking for; continue waiting "
            print eventResp['methodName']

#    print "mcastRpc setButtonCount to snap server"
#    count = (count + 1) %100
#    srv.mcastRpc( ourAddr, 1,5, 'setButtonCount',[count])
#    time.sleep(1)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    """ The main program loop for this example """
    # Connect to SNAPconnect server via TCP port 8080    
#    srv = ServerProxy("http://192.168.0.x:8080", allow_none=False)
    srv = ServerProxy("http://192.168.0.x:8080", allow_none=False) #call from the xmlrpc library

#    srv = ServerProxy("public:public:") 
    # Connect to SNAP bridge node (We'll assume it is on the first USB port)

    print "opening serial" #remote procedure call being executed on the E10, telling the E10 to listen to the SNAP bridge on Serial port #1

    srv.connectSerial(1,"/dev/ttyS1") # for the e10
    # Continually listen for the count
    while True:

My Code from Xcode:

-(IBAction)getResponse:(id) sender{

    NSString *ourAddr = @"1";
    NSString *dev = @"/dev/ttylS1";

    NSString *server = @"192.168.0.x:8080"; 
    XMLRPCRequest *waitOnEvent = [[XMLRPCRequest alloc] initWithHost:[NSURL URLWithString:server]];
    [waitOnEvent setMethod:@"connectSerial" withObject:[NSString stringWithString: ourAddr]]; 

    NSString *result=[self executeXMLRPCRequest:waitOnEvent];   
    [waitOnEvent release];

    if( ![result isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] ) //err occured.
        lblResponse = result; //@"error";
    lblResponse.text = @"error";

- (id)executeXMLRPCRequest:(XMLRPCRequest *)req {
    XMLRPCResponse *userInfoResponse = [XMLRPCConnection sendSynchronousXMLRPCRequest:req];
    return [userInfoResponse object];

What I get from the XMLRPC Server After Pushing the "getResponse" button in my App:

15:48:15:611 INFO     SNAPconnect Now listening for XML-RPC connections on port 8080
15:48:23:981 INFO     http_server connectSerial(1, )
15:48:24:003 INFO     http_server 192.168.0.x:51752 - -  "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 479

15:48:24:010 INFO     http_server <?xml version='1.0'?>
<value><string>&lt;type 'exceptions.TypeError'&gt;:connectSerial() takes at least 3 arguments (2 given)</string></value>

So I see from this that connectSerial is only getting 2 arguments [connectSerial(1, )] passed and it needs 3. [connectSerial(1, /dev/ttylS1)]

If I try to pass multiple arguments with something like:

[waitOnEvent setMethod:@"connectSerial" withObject:[NSString stringWithString: ourAddr: dev]];

I just get a BAD_EXC or SIGABRT

What I get from Python Server when I run the Python Client script:

15:54:00:505 INFO     http_server connectSerial(1, /dev/ttyS1, )
15:54:00:534 INFO     http_server 192.168.0.x:51772 - -  "POST /RPC2 HTTP/1.0" 200 225

15:54:00:541 INFO     http_server <?xml version='1.0'?>

15:54:00:573 INFO     http_server waitOnEvent(4c6f8c, 1, )

Any help or insight to this would be greatly appreciated! Sorry it was so long winded. I provide any clarification as needed.

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: To clarify further for future reference:

Well its seems like I've gotten closer, but not quite there yet...

If I use:

NSString *const ourAddr = @"1";
NSString *const dev = @"/dev/ttyS1";

-(IBAction)getResponse:(id) sender{

    NSArray *args = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: ourAddr, dev, nil];

    NSString *server = @"开发者_Go百科http://192.168.0.x:8080"; 
    XMLRPCRequest *waitOnEvent = [[XMLRPCRequest alloc] initWithHost:[NSURL URLWithString:server]];
    [waitOnEvent setMethod:@"connectSerial"  withObjects: args];

The server gives me this:

20:17:20:954 INFO     http_server connectSerial(1, /dev/ttyS1, )
20:17:20:975 INFO     http_server 192.168.0.x:52253 - -  "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 467

20:17:20:981 INFO     http_server <?xml version='1.0'?>
<value><string>&lt;type 'exceptions.ValueError'&gt;:Serial interface type must be an integer</string></value>

So now I just need to figure out how to declare the "1" as an integer and then pass both and integer and a string simultaneously. So far everything ive tried has given me a BAD_EXC...

My guess is that you need to create an array containing your arguments:

NSArray *args = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:ourAddr, dev, nil];

and then pass that to your XMLRPCRequest:

[waitOnEvent setMethod:@"connectSerial" withObject:args];

You cannot invoke a script on the iOS device. You can in OS X, but not in an (app store approved) iOS app.





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