
Where to Publish a mobile application Iphone/Android/Something else? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.

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If I want to publish a mobile application? Where should I publish one from profitability point of view. IPhone, Android, or something else? And what are the reasons for this?

Only the top few percentile of paid apps (iOS App store or Android marketplace) are reported to sell well.

So the main reason developers publish apps these days are:

  1. Having really strong marketing communication channels outside the app stores.

  2. Very poor business planning (regarding the actual market statistics).

  3. Gambling instinct.

Ok first of all it is a good question, many programmes come across this, If you want to make android applications, publish them on the android marketplace, i think it only costs like 25 american dollars per month or per year, i forgot, to publish an application on the marketplace, now if you want to program cocoa, the language apple uses, then make some mobile applications for the itunes store, im not sure how much it costs or even how to do it but it shouldnt be too hard, If all you want is profit, then i would go with the android marketplace, its cheap and i dont know if you know this or not but on average per day 500,000 new people are added to the android marketplace, there are tuns of people out there who love cheap fun apps, if you charge 1$ per app and 10 people buy your app per day, thats 300$ per month just for that app, it depends what kind of app it is too, more people buy games than applications, so if you really want some cash from android, i would make a really fun game thats pretty cheap and youll have people from all over playing your app. Good luck! Hope this helped!





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