
Unordered set (const char) much slower than unordered set (string)

I'm loading a very long list from disk into an unordered_set. If I use a set of strings, it is very fast. A test list of about 7 MB loads in about 1 second. However, using a set of char pointers takes about 2.1 minutes!

Here is the code for the string version:

unordered_set<string> Set;
string key;
while (getline(fin, key))

Here is the code for the char* version:

struct unordered_eqstr
    bool operator()(const char* s1, const char* s2) const
        return strcmp(s1, s2) == 0;

struct unordered_deref
    template <typename T>
    size_t operator()(const T* p) const
        return hash<T>()(*p);

unordered_set<const char*, unordered_deref, unordered_eqstr> Set;
string key;

while (getline(fin, key))
    char* str = new(mem) char[key.size()+1];
    strcpy(str, key.c_str());

The "new(mem)" is because I'm using a custom memory manager so I can allocate big blocks of memory and give them out to tiny objects like c strings. However, I've tested this with regular "new" and the results are identical. I've also used my memory manager in other tools with no problems.

The two structs are necessary to make the insert and find hash based on the 开发者_如何学Cactual c string and not its address. The unordered_deref I actually found here on stack overflow.

Eventually I need to load multi-gigabyte files. This is why I'm using a custom memory manager, but it's also why this horrible slow down is unacceptable. Any ideas?

Here we go.

struct unordered_deref
    size_t operator()(const char* p) const
        return hash<string>()(p);




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