how to trim file - for rows which with the same value in two columns, conserve only the row with max in another columns
I am now facing a file trimming problem. I would like to trim rows in a tab-delimited file.
The rule is: for rows which with the same value in two columns, preserve only the row with the largest value in开发者_运维百科 the third column. There may be different numbers of such redundant rows defined by two columns. If there is a tie for the largest value in the third column, preserve the first one (after ordering the file).
(1) My file looks like (tab-delimited, with several millions of rows):
1 100 25 T
1 101 26 A
1 101 27 G
1 101 30 A
1 102 40 A
1 102 40 T
(2) The output I want:
1 100 25 T
1 101 30 A
1 102 40 T
This problem is faced by my real study, not home-work. I expect to have your helps on that, because I have restricted programming skills. I prefer an computation-efficient way, because there is so many rows in my data file. Your help will be very valuable to me.
Here's a solution that will rely on the input file already being sorted appropriately. It will scan line-by-line for lines with similar start (e.g. two first columns identical), check the third column value and preserve the line with the highest value - or the line that came first in the file. When a new start is found, it prints the old line, and begins checking again.
At the end of the input file, the max line in memory is printed out.
use warnings;
use strict;
my ($max_line, $start, $max) = parse_line(scalar <DATA>);
while (<DATA>) {
my ($line, $nl_start, $nl_max) = parse_line($_);
if ($nl_start eq $start) {
if ($nl_max > $max) {
$max_line = $line;
$max = $nl_max;
} else {
print $max_line;
$start = $nl_start;
$max = $nl_max;
$max_line = $line;
print $max_line;
sub parse_line {
my $line = shift;
my ($start, $max) = $line =~ /^([^\t]+\t[^\t]+\t)(\d+)/;
return ($line, $start, $max);
1 100 25 T
1 101 26 A
1 101 27 G
1 101 30 A
1 102 40 A
1 102 40 T
The output is:
1 100 25 T
1 101 30 A
1 102 40 A
You stated
If there is a tie for the largest value in the third column, preserve the first one (after ordering the file).
which is rather cryptic. Then you asked for output that seemed to contradict this, where the last value was printed instead of the first.
I am assuming that what you meant is "preserve the first value". If you indeed meant "preserve the last value", then simply change the >
sign in if ($nl_max > $max)
to >=
. This will effectively preserve the last value equal instead of the first.
If you however implied some kind of sort, which "after ordering the file" seems to imply, then I do not have enough information to know what you meant.
In python you can try the following code:
res = {}
for line in (line.split() for line in open('c:\\inpt.txt','r') if line):
line = tuple(line)
if not line[:2] in res:
res[line[:2]] = line[2:]
elif res[line[:2]][0] <= line[3]:
res[line[:2]] = line[2:]
f = open('c:\\tst.txt','w')
[f.write(line) for line in ('\t'.join(k+v)+'\n' for k,v in res.iteritems())]
Here's one approach
use strict;
use warnings;
use constant
{ LINENO => 0
, LINE => 1
, SCORE => 2
use English qw<$INPUT_LINE_NUMBER>;
my %hash;
while ( <> ) {
# split the line to get the fields
my @fields = split /\t/;
# Assemble a key for everything except the "score"
my $key = join( '-', @fields[0,1] );
# locally cache the score
my $score = $fields[SCORE];
# if we have a score, and the current is not greater, then next
next unless ( $hash{ $key } and $score > $hash{ $key }[SCORE];
# store the line number, line text, and score
$hash{ $key } = [ $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER, $_, $score ];
# sort by line number and print out the text of the line stored.
foreach my $struct ( sort { $a->[LINENO] <=> $b->[LINENO] } values %hash ) {
print $struct->[LINE];
In Python too, but cleaner imo
import csv
spamReader = csv.reader(open('eggs'), delimiter='\t')
select = {}
for row in spamReader:
first_two, three = (row[0], row[1]), row[2]
if first_two in select:
if select[first_two][2] > three:
select[first_two] = row
spamWriter = csv.writer(open('ham', 'w'), delimiter='\t')
for line in select: