ColdFusion "Content not allowed in prolog" XML with NO Bom
I'm having some trouble parsing an XML file with ColdFusion. I've double, triple-checked the file for the BOM, which doesn't exist.
The twist, the code only happens when I use <cfinvoke>
So, on index.cfm
<cfinvoke component='' method='ADQuery'>
<cffunction name='ADQuery' output='true'>
<cfset netinfoxml = XMLParse(ExpandPath('conf/netinfo.xml'))>
Then it all goes wrong. However, if I do it directly from index.cfm, and dump it. Then it's fine.
Any ideas?
Sorry, it's probably something incredibly trivial
maybe this will help, seems to be a pretty in depth description [and solution!] to your problem....
If not, can you post the xml?