
How to chain quesrysets in the right order not sorted by date, sorted by foreignKey?

I am building a photo gallery, and the ones that are published don't give me what i need so i am building it form scratch.

In the index page i need to get random albums (this is fine) from the Album model and for each album to bring one of its photos (random) from the Photo model.


class Album(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField('כותרת', max_length=100, db_index=True)
    created = models.DateTimeField('תאריך פרסום', auto_now_add=True)
    creator = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name='galleries_creator', verbose_name='נכתב ע"י')

class Photo(models.Model):
    title =开发者_如何学JAVA models.CharField('כותרת', max_length=100)
    album = models.ForeignKey(Album, verbose_name='שייך לאלבום')
    photo = models.ImageField('תמונה', blank=True, upload_to=get_image_path)
    photo_mid = models.ImageField('תמונה בינונית', blank=True, upload_to='images/galleries/mid/', editable=False)
    photo_thumb = models.ImageField('תמונה קטנה', blank=True, upload_to='images/galleries/thumbs/', editable=False)
    created = models.DateTimeField('תאריך פרסום', auto_now_add=True)
    is_landscape = models.NullBooleanField(blank=True, verbose_name='האם תמונת לנדסקייפ', editable=False)

The thing is, as i see it, that in order to iterate over the albums in the template and get the correct photo for the album, i need to chain the list of albums and the list of photos i got, but in the right order (album object, photo object etc), but what i am getting is all the albums and then all the photos (in the right order, but in the template nothing is working, obvious).


def index(request):
    albums = Album.objects.all().order_by('?')[:10]
    album_photo_lst = []
    for album in albums:
    album_list = list(chain(albums,album_photo_lst))
    return render_to_response('galleries/index.html',{'albums':album_list},  context_instance=RequestContext(request))

Maybe i am over complicating this, and maybe some one can help me get thru this.

10x, Erez

Without tryiung to change your queries, I suggest to use a list of (album, photo) tuples instead of a long list:

for album in albums:
    album_list.append((album, Photo.objects.filter(album=album).order_by('?')[0]))

now use

    {{ for album, photo in album_list }}

(And be sure to check what happens if there are 0 photos in the album.)





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