
Design Decision: Communicating from a Method

This is a simple design decision that seems to have significant passions on each side. I am struggling to really understand which design has the least negative consequences.

I have a method to add a banana:

public Banana AddBanana(string name) 
    // add the banana
    var _Banana = new Banana { Name = name };
    return _Banana;

But in some cases I cannot add a banana, something like this:

public Banana AddBanana(string name) 
    // test the request
    if (this.Bananas.Count > 5)
        return null;
    if (this.Bananas.Where(x => x.Name == name).Any())
        return null;
    // add the banana
    var _Banana = new Banana { Name = name };
    return _Banana;

Now I want to communicate back to the caller WHY they can't.

WHICH way is the better approach?

Approach 1: communicate with an exception

public Banana AddBanana(string name) 
    // test the request
    if (this.Bananas.Count > 5)
        throw new Exception("Already 5 Bananas");
    if (this.Bananas.Where(x => x.Name == name).Any())
        throw new Exception("Banana Already in List");
    // add the banana
    var _Banana = new Banana { Name = name };
    return _Banana;

Approach 2: communicate with a test

public Class CanAddBananaResult 
    public bool Allowed { get; set; }
    public string Message { get; set; }

public CanAddBananaResult CanAddBanana(string name) 
    // test the request
    if (this.Bananas.Count > 5)
        return new CanAddBananaResult { 
            Allowed = false, 
            Message = "Already 5 Bananas" 
    if (this.Bananas.Where(x => x.Name == name).Any())
        return new CanAddBananaResult { 
            Allowed = false, 
            Message = "Banana Already in List" 
    return new CanAddBananaResult { Allowed = true };

public Banana AddBanana(string name) 
    // test the request
    if (!CanAddBanana(name).Allowed)
        throw new Exception("Cannot Add Banana");
    // add the banana
    var _Banana = new Banana { Name = name };
    return _Banana;

In Approach 1, the consumer knows the problem based on the exception.Message.

In Approach 2, the consumer can prevent the exception rather than catch it.

Which approach is better overall?

I read this: Design classes so that an exception is never thrown in normal use. For example, a FileStream class exposes another way of determining whether the end of the file has been reached. This avoids the exception that is thrown if you read past the end of the file. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/开发者_如何学Pythonseyhszts(v=vs.71).aspx

But the "exceptional" approach seems to be less code. Does that mean simpler/better?

The second approach seems unnecessarily complex, so I tend to prefer the first one.

To give the caller the opportunity to perform the checks himself, I'd add the following members:

public bool IsFull
    get { return this.Bananas.Count > 5; }

public bool ContainsBanana(string name)
    return this.Bananas.Any(b => b.Name == name);

I'd probably also return the existing banana if the name already exists:

public Banana GetOrAddBanana(string name) 
    var banana = this.Bananas.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Name == name);
    if (banana == null)
        if (this.IsFull) throw new Exception("Collection is full");
        banana = new Banana { Name = name };
    return banana;

If not being able to add a banana is not an exceptional case, but can occur during normal operation, I'd use the Try... pattern:

public bool TryGetOrAddBanana(string name, out Banana banana) 
    banana = this.Bananas.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Name == name);
    if (banana == null)
        if (this.IsFull) return false;
        banana = new Banana { Name = name };
    return true;

You should use both.

If it is possible to determine before the method is called whether or not it will be successful, then using a Can() method (or property if the conditions for failure are not specific to the method arguments) is appropriate and useful. There are numerous examples in the framework: TypeConverter.CanConvertFrom/To immediately comes to mind.

However, you cannot guarantee that a caller will use the method you provide to them before calling your method. So you still need to throw appropriate exceptions if the method is called incorrectly (TypeConverter.ConvertFrom will throw under the same conditions that TypeConverter.CanConvertFrom will return false).

I'd say it depends on the situation.

If the consumers of your class know what to do when a banana can't be added, or if not being able to add bananas is a regular occurrence, use the second option.

If, on the other hand, the "can't add banana" handling logic is several layers up the call chain, or if not being able to handle bananas is rare (only happening in the case of a network outage, logic error, disk error, and so on), then rely more heavily on exception -- that's what they're for!





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