
Explicit code generation from WSDL file for autocomplete?

I'm using the suds library as a SOAP client in some project. I would like to know if there was a way to generate Python code according to the WSDL file.

For example, consider the following line to be from the WSDL file:

<operation name="GetLastTradePrice">

Then, I want to get in some .py file the auto-generated function

def GetLastTradePrice...

The purpose of that is to be able to know what are my possible functions and properties when I have a client. That means that if I will write:

from suds.client import Client
client = Client(SOME_URL)

Th开发者_运维问答en, after typing the folloewing


I will get the option of auto-completion GetLastTradePrice.

Ye olde ZSI library can generate Python code from a WSDL definition but, compared to suds, it's quite painful to use and requires another really old module called PyXML. I'd stick to suds, auto-completion isn't worth all that.

There are many SOAP server implementations for python, some more usable than others, search for packages related to SOAP at PyPI or take a look at the wiki page about web services at python.org. There are essentially two types of SOAP servers for python:

  1. Servers that can generate server stubs from WSDL files (like ZSI)
  2. Servers that can produce WSDL from the service class methods directly (like soaplib, ladon)




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