
What's the best way to detect garbled text in an OCR-ed document

Are there any good NLP or statistical techniques for detecting garbled characters in OCR-ed text? Off the top of my head I was thinking that looking at the distribution of n-grams in text might be a good starting point but I'm pretty new to the whole NLP domain.

Here is what I've looked at so far:

  • N-gram Statistics in English and Chinese: Similarities and Differences
  • Statistical Distributions of English Text

The text will mostly be in english but a general solution would be nice. The text is currently indexed in Lucene so any ideas on a term based approach would be useful too.

A开发者_Go百科ny suggestions would be great! Thanks!

Yes, most powerful thing in that case is Ngrams. You should collect them on related text corpora (with same topic to your OCR texts). This problem is very similar to spellchecking - if small character change lead to great probability increase it was a mistake. Check this tutorial how to use ngram for spellchecking.

I used n-grams for this some years ago, with pretty decent results. I used Apache Nutch's language detector, that uses word and intraword n-grams internally.Then the "ngram-profile" of your text is compared to n-gram profiles of the training material. Nutch gives a score/confidence value in addition to the language, and I used hard cutoffs based on the language (should be the one the docs are in) and scores. Kept most of the garbeled text out, but it's somewhat computationally costly.





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