
Custom sorting keys in array using self-created alphabet

In python, I have the following which works perfectly well:

list = [('wr', ['A1']), ('wr-qA', ['A3']), ('wr,w', ['A4']), ('wr-mw', ['A2']), ('wrs', ['A6']), ('wrD', ['A8']), ('wrS', ['A7']), ('wr.w', ['A5']), ('=k', ['A10']), ('Dd', ['A9'])]

alphabet = " -,.AjawbpfmnrhHxXsSqkgtTdD=/()[]<>{}'*#I1234567890&@"

Sorted_list = sorted(list, key=lambda (v, k): [alphabet.index(c) for c in v])
print 开发者_如何转开发Sorted_list


[('wr', ['A1']), ('wr-mw', ['A2']), ('wr-qA', ['A3']), ('wr,w', ['A4']), ('wr.w', ['A5']), ('wrs', ['A6']), ('wrS', ['A7']), ('wrD', ['A8']), ('Dd', ['A9']), ('=k', ['A10'])]

How can I do the same in PHP with:

$list = array(
    'wr' => 'A1',
    'wr-qA' => 'A3',
    'wr,w' => 'A4',
    'wr-mw' => 'A2',
    'wrs' => 'A6',
    'wrD' => 'A8',
    'wrS' => 'A7',
    'wr.w' => 'A5',
    '=k' => 'A10',
    'Dd' => 'A9'

I don't fully understand your question, but if you need to do custom sorting in PHP you need to use usort or uasort. Probably the second one, as I see you have custom key in your array.

If you're lucky enough and can use PHP 5.3 than you may supply the callback as a closure.

This will be the equivalent in PHP of user sorting. The equivalent of indexOf in PHP would be strpos.

Warning: Take care when comparing the return values of strpos because it may return false if it doesn't find any match. And in PHP false is equal (==) to 0.

About your list structure in PHP. Maybe you need something like this.

$list = array(array('wr', array('A1')), array('wr-qA',array('A3')), ...);

Not sure though.

For the lambda sorting, you can use usort(...) (and strcmp() for comparison)

usort($list, "strcmp"); // PHP function name as a string

Since PHP 5.3 you can also use an anonymous function as a callback parameter

usort($list, function($a, $b) { return strcmp($a, $b) }); 
// Note - callback function must return integer comparison between 2 elements

However, if are sorting by value, you can simply use sort() or if you sort by key, use ksort() (Note that they sort in place and return only a boolean flag)

This is what I came up with. It uses uksort(), which takes a user-defined sorting function and sorts the elements based on their keys (which is what you need as it seems).

The code might need a little tweaking, but I tried it and it works. After calling uksort(), the $list variable will contain the sorted array.

In this code example, I used an Anonymous function as a sorting function, which is available from PHP 5.3, before that, you can use a simple function (for examples, you can check the uksort() reference I linked earlier).

$list = array('wr' => 'A1', 'wr-qA' => 'A3', 'wr,w' => 'A4', 'wr-mw' => 'A2', 'wrs' => 'A6', 'wrD' => 'A8', 'wrS' => 'A7', 'wr.w' => 'A5', '=k' => 'A10', 'Dd' => 'A9');
$alphabet = " -,.AjawbpfmnrhHxXsSqkgtTdD=/()[]<>{}'*#I1234567890&@";

uksort($list, function ($a, $b) use ($alphabet) {
    $shorter=min($a, $b);
    for ($i=0, $len=strlen($shorter); $i < $len; $i++) {
        $aval=strpos($alphabet, $a[$i]);
        $bval=strpos($alphabet, $b[$i]);
        if ($aval!=$bval) {
            return $aval > $bval ? 1 : -1;
    return $shorter==$b ? 1 : -1;

EDIT: I quickly wrote a version without an anonymous function:

$list = array('wr' => 'A1', 'wr-qA' => 'A3', 'wr,w' => 'A4', 'wr-mw' => 'A2', 'wrs' => 'A6', 'wrD' => 'A8', 'wrS' => 'A7', 'wr.w' => 'A5', '=k' => 'A10', 'Dd' => 'A9');

function alphabet_sorter($a, $b) {
    $alphabet = " -,.AjawbpfmnrhHxXsSqkgtTdD=/()[]<>{}'*#I1234567890&@";

    $shorter=min($a, $b);
    for ($i=0, $len=strlen($shorter); $i < $len; $i++) {
        $aval=strpos($alphabet, $a[$i]);
        $bval=strpos($alphabet, $b[$i]);
        if ($aval!=$bval) {
            return $aval > $bval ? 1 : -1;
    return $shorter==$b ? 1 : -1;

uksort($list, 'alphabet_sorter');

Using the exact same uksort() function as my answer to your earlier question, you only need to extend the translation string to use upper and lower case letter for non-space letters in your custom alphabet. I withdrew the space from both translation strings because they would both be in the first position and the translation is pointless.

Code: (Demo)

$trans = [

$list = [
    'wr' => 'A1',
    'wr-qA' => 'A3',
    'wr,w' => 'A4',
    'wr-mw' => 'A2',
    'wrs' => 'A6',
    'wrD' => 'A8',
    'wrS' => 'A7',
    'wr.w' => 'A5',
    '=k' => 'A10',
    'Dd' => 'A9'

    function ($a, $b) use ($trans) {
        return strtr($a, ...$trans) <=> strtr($b, ...$trans);



array (
  'wr' => 'A1',
  'wr-mw' => 'A2',
  'wr-qA' => 'A3',
  'wr,w' => 'A4',
  'wr.w' => 'A5',
  'wrs' => 'A6',
  'wrS' => 'A7',
  'wrD' => 'A8',
  'Dd' => 'A9',
  '=k' => 'A10',




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