Importing ASIHTTP , Objective-c?
When trying to use ASIHTTP.
ASIHTTP: ld: duplicate symbol _OBJC_IVAR_$_ASIAuthenticationDialog.request in
I keep getting this error
I did tried
Product -> Clean Target / etc
, no luck.
Make sure you import the .h file instead of the .m
#import @"ASIAuthenticationDialog.h"
Instead of
#import @"ASIAuthenticationDialog.m"
Importing the .m file will produce this linker error.
I can Import just fine, but when I build I get a ton of errors referring to ARC (Automatic reference counting). I guess it hasn't been converted yet. Anyone know if it is being optimized to run with ARC?
I ended up with this issue after linking a static library that already included the ASIHTTPRequest project. To fix it I had to remove the linker flags "-all_load -ObjC" from my app project.
Unfortunately this leads to other issues, like Categories not working in the static library I was linking.