
SUMIFs function within VBA not working correctly

Public Function GRIDSALES(rev_date As Date, grid_date As Date) As Variant

      Application.Volatile (True)

               Set Final_Price = Sheets("KRONOS").Range("$H:$H")
               Set Team = Sheets("KRONOS").Range("$DO:$DO")
               Set First_PD = Sheets("KRONOS").Range("$Q:$Q")

                GRIDSALES1 = Application.WorksheetFunction开发者_如何学Python.SumIfs( _
                              Final_Price _
                              , Team, "<>9" _
                             , First_PD, ">=" & rev_date, First_PD, "<=EoMonth(" & grid_date & ")")

       End Function

VBA code above complies without any error but does not generate an answer. I am trying to create a UDF that’s sums the Final Price for all sales teams (excluding team 9) between two dates rev_date and grid_date. What am I missing?

Despise "hardcode" the objetive range of the sumif (antipattern?) the 1 in GRIDSALES1 and "<=EoMonth(" instead of Application.WorksheetFunction.EoMonth(grid_date, 0) , that sunifs is has results as double it should be as:

Function ASALES(rev_date As Date, grid_date As Date) As Double

Dim Final_Price As Range
Dim Team As Range
Dim First_PD As Range
Application.Volatile (True)

Set Final_Price = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("H5:$H11")
Set Team = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("E5:E11")
Set First_PD = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("F5:F11")

ASALES = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs( _
    Final_Price _
    , Team, "<>9" _
    , First_PD, ">=" & rev_date _
    , First_PD, "<=" & Application.WorksheetFunction.EoMonth(grid_date, 0))

End Function

Your output should be the function name. Change GRIDSALES1 to GRIDSALES.





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