Vim FuzzyFinder - how to add tags support for other languages
Specifically I want开发者_如何转开发 to use FufBufferTag
in coffeescript files. I've added the following to my ~/.ctags
--regex-coffee=/^[ \t]*([A-Za-z_]+): (\([^)]*\))? *->(.*)/\1 \2/f,function/
(very basic coffeescript method regex so far)
If I run ctags from the command line, it works, but FufBufferTag
still doesn't
I was having this same issue with CSS; added the regexes to my .ctags and they wouldn't show up with FufBufferTag. After searching through FuzzyFinder's buffertag.vim, I discovered it was restricting the tagged languages. I was able to add this line to my .vimrc to enable CSS with FufBufferTag:
let g:fuf_buffertag__css='--language-force=css'
I assume something similar will work for your coffeescript definitions:
let g:fuf_buffertag__coffee='--language-force=coffee'