
Twitter - get user_id or screen_name querying by user e-mail

I'm trying to get the user_id or screen_name querying per e-mails on Twitter. We have a website and also a database of users. I have also all user's e-mail and I'd like to query if they have a Twitter account, and if so, get开发者_开发问答 the screen_name or user_id....

I've read all twitter api documentation and it seems that I can query user only per screen_name or user_id...



Based on this query: api.twitter.com/1/users/lookup.xml?user_id=1401881,1401882

I tried this: api.twitter.com/1/users/lookup.xml?email=[e-mail] Then I got this: "Client application is not permitted to search with specified terms"

So it seems that Twitter knows this parameter "email" (otherwise it should show a error message)

Any idea?

That query is probably an internal method, if it's a method at all. Can't you just ask your users for a Twitter handle if they have one? Apparently when they did allows public access, it was mostly used for spam. Ultimately, there's no real need to have to find a user's Twitter handle by email when balanced out with the misuse that could be possible. According to the bottom of this post, there may be something coming in the future for authenciated partners.





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