
CSS margins: aligning a list against a float-left image

The following is my first cut at coding-up a reddit-like comment in html+css. I have a few questions about css and the general structure:

  1. How do I get the comment body ("The King took off his hat...") to align with the comment head ("Nathan, posted...") and the comment tail ("reply permalink ...")? I tried making the margin-bottom for .comment-left a little longer but that didn't fix the issue.
  2. I know I've been a little trigger-happy with the tags. Which ones are redundant?
  3. Is there a better/tighter way to get the same structure?

Thanks all, Nathan

ps I used the handy information here for stacking my voting arrows on top of each other.

CSS margins: aligning a list against a float-left image

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
    <title>CSS sandbox: comments</title>

    <style type="text/css">

      .vote {
        width: 15px;        
        float: left;
        clear: left;      
      .vote img {
        display: block;
        float: none;
        clear: both;
        width: 15px;
      .userpic img {
        width: 60px;
      .comment-contents li {
        list-style-type: none;
        margin-bottom: 10px;
      .comment-left {
        float: left;
      .head {
      .tail-list li {
        display: inline;
      img {
        border: 0;
      a {
        text-decoration: none;

    <div class="comment">
       <span class="comment-left">
        <span class="vote">
          <a href="#"><img alt="^" title="vote up" src="http://www.reddit.com/static/aupgray.gif"></a>
          <a href="#"><img alt="v" title="vote down" src="http://www.reddit.com/static/adowngray.gif"></a>
        <span class="userpic">
          <a href="#">
          <img src="http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/550deada0ac679dfc3c9103b674760af?s=128&d=identicon&r=PG" height="60" width="60">

       <span class="comment-main">
        <ul class="comment-contents">
          <li class="head">
           <a href="#">Nathan</a>, posted 2 hours ago
           <a href="#" class="comment-collapse">[-]</a>
          <li class="middle">
            <p>The king took off his hat and looked at it. Instantly an immense
            crowd gathered. The news spread like wildfire. From a dozen leading
            dailies,reporters and cameramen came rushing to the scene pellmell in
            highpowered monoplanes. Hundreds of reserves,responding without
            hesitation to a riotcall,displayed with amazing promptness quite
            unparalleled inability to control the everincreasing multitude,but
            not bef开发者_JAVA百科ore any number of unavoidable accidents had informally

            <p>Chapter 1 - untitled (eecummings)</p>
          <li class="tail">
           <ul class="tail-list">
            <li><a href="#">reply</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">permalink</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">offensive?</a></li>

Update your css with a left padding on ".comment-contents li" and a remove the margin on ".head"

.comment-contents li {
list-style-type: none;
margin-bottom: 10px;
padding-left: 60px;

.head {

While you are at it, just use padding instead of margin for ".comment-contents li":

.comment-contents li {
list-style-type: none;
padding: 0 0 10px 60px;

I recommend not using padding and margin on a class unless absolutly necessary.

Don't have time to do CSS at the moment (maybe later), but you should be able to achieve the look with this markup:

<div class="comment">
     <p class="user">
        <a href="#">
          <img src="http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/550deada0ac679dfc3c9103b674760af?s=128&d=identicon&r=PG" height="60" width="60">
        <a href="#">Nathan</a>, posted 2 hours ago
        <a href="#" class="comment-collapse">[-]</a>
     <p>The king took off his hat and looked at it. Instantly an immense
            crowd gathered. The news spread like wildfire. From a dozen leading
            dailies,reporters and cameramen came rushing to the scene pellmell in
            highpowered monoplanes. Hundreds of reserves,responding without
            hesitation to a riotcall,displayed with amazing promptness quite
            unparalleled inability to control the everincreasing multitude,but
            not before any number of unavoidable accidents had informally
     <p>Chapter 1 - untitled (eecummings)</p>
  <ul class="commentTools">
    <li class="voteUp"><a href="#">vote up</a></li>    
    <li class="voteDown"><a href="#">vote down</a></li>        
    <li><a href="#">reply</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">permalink</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">offensive?</a></li>

And the CSS

.comment {
.comment p {

.comment .user img {
.comment .commentTools {
.comment .commentTools li {
.comment .commentTools .voteUp, .comment .commentTools .voteDown {
   display: block;
.comment .commentTools .voteUp {
.comment .commentTools .voteDown {
.comment .commentTools .voteUp a, .comment .commentTools .voteDown  a {
  width: 15px;
  height: 15px;
.comment .commentTools .voteUp a {
    background: url(http://www.reddit.com/static/aupgray.gif) no-repeat;
.comment .commentTools .voteDown a {
    background: url(http://www.reddit.com/static/adowngray.gif) no-repeat;

I haven't tested this so there may be some bugs. Let me know if youwant any of the CSS explained.

How about setting the p margin-left to be set at 30px?





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