How can I make Plone display events during DST with the correct time?
I'm writing a Plone product that takes iCalendar, pulls it in, and creates Plone Event types. I've got it all working perfectly, except that, for half of the year's dates, the timestamps are off by an hour.
My iCalendar feed is passing these as UTC timestamps:
DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20110812T130000Z should be 9am in the America/New_York timezone DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20110812T160000Z should be 12noon in the America/New_York timezone
Those work fine. These don't:
DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20111225T175525Z should be 1:55pm, but it's showing as 12:55pm DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20111225T215525Z should be 5:55pm, but it's showing as 4:55pm
From the database that generates the iCalendar feed, to the iCalendar generator, to the actual values stored in Zope, everything is correct. But Plone displays the incorrect localtime on the event detail pages.I've tried setting "TZ America/New_York" in my buildout, I've tried setting the system clock on the Zope server ahead to see if the conversion would magically happen "after we return to EST". No luck.
Here's a couple of examples that might illustrate the problem:
Correctly-Displaying Event, which takes place in EDT:
DESCRIPTION:Flyer Fridays give you the opportunity to hear from professors
in Communication Sciences & Disorders\, Education\, Management\, Nursing\
, Physical Therapy\, Occupational Therapy or Visual & Performing Arts. \n
\nFaculty sessions begin at 9:15am (PLEASE CHOOSE ONE)\, followed by a 10a
m campus tour and an 11am Freshmen information session. After the day's e
vents\, you're invited to join the Admissions staff for lunch.
LOCATION:Nazareth College
SUMMARY:Flyer Friday - Management Info Session
And, how it is stored in Zope:
DateTime('2011/08/12 13:00:00 GMT+0')
Incorrectly-displayed event, which takes place in EST:
DESCRIPTION:Fun with TZINFO Flyer Fridays give you the opportunity to hear
from professors in Communication Sciences & Disorders\, Education\, Manag
ement\, Nursing\, Physical Therapy\, Occupational Therapy or Visual & Perf
orming Arts. \n\nFaculty sessions begin at 9:15am (PLEASE CHOOSE ONE)\, f
ollowed by a 10am campus tour and an 11am Freshmen information session. A
fter the day's events\, you're invited to join the Admissions staff for lu
LOCATION:Nazareth College
SUMMARY:Flyer Friday - Timezone Info Session
And you can see it's stored in Zope with UTC, so the problem is only in how it's displayed:
DateTime('2011/12/25 17:55:25 GMT+0')
Try Time Zone Converter.
You are experimenting daylight saving time. This arises when you change the date.
Check one of the supposedly wrong dates:
DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20111225T175525Z should be 1:55pm, but it's showing as 12:55pm and read the legend:
Daylight Saving Time is not in effect on this date/time in GMT Daylight
Saving Time is not in effect on this date/time in America/New_York
And then check one of the no-problem dates:
DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20110812T130000Z should be 9am in the America/New_York timezone with this legend:
Daylight Saving Time is not in effect on this date/time in GMT Daylight
Saving Time is in effect on this date/time in America/New_York
Here you can see the Dailyght Saving Time details for America/New_York timezone: