How to query remote index catalogs
I've been trying to create a linked server in SQL Server that accesses a remote Index Service catalog, but I can't seem to do it. Let's call the remote server "remoteServer" and the Catalog "remoteCatalog"
I've tried this:
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver remoteIndexServer, 'Index Server', 'MSIDXS',
and then i did run the SQL
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(remoteIndexServer,'select filename from scope()') AS Q
But i got the error as
OLE DB provider "MSIDXS" for linked server "remoteIndexServer" returned message "Service is not running. ".
Msg 7320, Level 16, State 2, Line 3
开发者_Go百科Cannot execute the query "select filename from scope()" against OLE DB provider "MSIDXS" for linked server "remoteIndexServer".
I have experienced this issue before. This is from memory so excuse any errors but if I recall correctly you will need to do the following.
Install the indexing service on your local SQL Server (this is so the provider is available).
Add a linked server to this LOCAL
indexing service.
You can then run you query as below
'select filename from RemoteServer.CatalogName..scope()'
) AS Q
If that doesn't work let me know, there is a post somewhere that describes how to do this. I can look it up if necessary but I think the above is right.