
generating and mapping two sets of numbers

I have 2 numbers 25798709 and 25716544 representing the minimum and maximum values of some consecutive numbers with each number differing from the preceeding number by one eg. 25798709,25798710, 25798711................25716544 I want a python code that will convert these figures to 1,2,3,4,5,.............. and map the 1,开发者_如何学Python2,3,4,5 to the original figures in two columns: Like:

  1     25798709
  2     25798710
  3     25798711


print(*['{0}\t{1}'.format(*i) for i in enumerate(range(MIN,MAX+1), 1)], sep='\n')

For python2.6 or 2.7 just add from __future__ import print_function

Here you are:

mapping = dict(enumerate(range(25716544, 25798709)))
for i in iter(mapping):
    print i, '->', mapping[i]

I should warn you that this is zero-based. So 0 -> 25716544, 1 -> 25716545, etc.

# make it work in both Python 2 and 3
from __future__ import print_function
try: xrange
except NameError: xrange= range

def my_enumerate(num1, num2):
    start= min(num1, num2)
    end= max(num1, num2) + 1
    for data in enumerate(xrange(start, end), 1):
        print("%d\t%d" % data)

This would work and start from 1:

for idx, num in enumerate(range(25716544, 25798709), 1):
  print idx, ' ', num

To start from 0:

for idx, num in enumerate(range(25716544, 25798709)):
  print idx, ' ', num




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