Firefox 4 toolbar overlay
i'm trying to make an own firefox toolbar and I have problem with overlay. So i already setup my environment (i can see my extension in FF extensions manager), now I'm trying to add new overlay.
content sandbox chrome/content/
overlay chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://sandbox/content/overlay.xul
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<toolbox id="browser-toolbox">
<toolbar id="findfile_toolbar">
<label control="findfile_filename" value="Search for files named:"/>
<textbox id="findfile_filename"/>
<label control="findfile_dir" value="Dire开发者_高级运维ctory:"/>
<textbox id="findfile_dir"/>
<button label="Browse..."/>
When i restart my FF i don't see result, where is the problem?
I think the problem might be that your toolbox element ID is "browser-toolbox" not navigator-toolbox. In Firefox, if you want to add a toolbar to the UI, you need to use "navigator-toolbox" as the toolbox ID.
You can read more about toolbar development at the Born Geek toolbar tutorial.