Select xml node by attribute name ignoring namespace of that attribute
I have a node like this:
<meta name="og:description" content="Here's the content" />
I want to be able to select this element if the name is "description" whether it's in a namespace or not. I need to be able to select the meta tag if it's name is "og:description", "description", "blah:description", etc.
I've seen resources for xpath that show how to select within a namespace, but not irrespective of a namespace.
//meta[@*[local-name() = 'description']]
This selects all meta
elements in the XML document that have an attribute with local-name "description"
By definition, the standard XPath function local-name()
produces the name of the node from which the namespace prefix (if any) is stripped off.
Do note: Always avoid using the //
pseudo operator if the structure of the XML document is statically known. Often using //
causes slow execution.
Using XPath 2 you could do:
/meta[ends-with(@name, 'description')]
For XPath 1 we need:
/meta['description' = substring(@name, string-length(@name) - string-length('description') + 1)]