Lua table.toString(tableName) and table.fromString(stringTable) functions?
I am wanting to convert a 2d lua table into a string, then after converting it to a string convert it back into a table using that newly created string. It seems as if this process is called serialization, and is discussed in the below url, yet I am having a difficult time understanding the code and was hoping someone here had a simple table.toString and table.fromString function
http://lua-us开发者_运维技巧 am using the following code in order to serialize tables:
function serializeTable(val, name, skipnewlines, depth)
skipnewlines = skipnewlines or false
depth = depth or 0
local tmp = string.rep(" ", depth)
if name then tmp = tmp .. name .. " = " end
if type(val) == "table" then
tmp = tmp .. "{" .. (not skipnewlines and "\n" or "")
for k, v in pairs(val) do
tmp = tmp .. serializeTable(v, k, skipnewlines, depth + 1) .. "," .. (not skipnewlines and "\n" or "")
tmp = tmp .. string.rep(" ", depth) .. "}"
elseif type(val) == "number" then
tmp = tmp .. tostring(val)
elseif type(val) == "string" then
tmp = tmp .. string.format("%q", val)
elseif type(val) == "boolean" then
tmp = tmp .. (val and "true" or "false")
tmp = tmp .. "\"[inserializeable datatype:" .. type(val) .. "]\""
return tmp
the code created can then be executed using loadstring(): if you have passed an argument to 'name' parameter (or append it afterwards):
s = serializeTable({a = "foo", b = {c = 123, d = "foo"}})
a = loadstring(s)()
The code lhf posted is a much simpler code example than anything from the page you linked, so hopefully you can understand it better. Adapting it to output a string instead of printing the output looks like:
t = {
local s = {"return {"}
for i=1,#t do
s[#s+1] = "{"
for j=1,#t[i] do
s[#s+1] = t[i][j]
s[#s+1] = ","
s[#s+1] = "},"
s[#s+1] = "}"
s = table.concat(s)
The general idea with serialization is to take all the bits of data from some data structure like a table, and then loop through that data structure while building up a string that has all of those bits of data along with formatting characters.
How about a JSON module? That way you have also a better exchangeable data. I usually prefer dkjson, which also supports utf-8, where cmjjson won't.
Under the kong works this
local cjson = require "cjson"
Out of the kong should be installed package lua-cjson
Here is a simple program which assumes your table contains numbers only. It outputs Lua code that can be loaded back with loadstring()()
. Adapt it to output to a string instead of printing it out. Hint: redefine print to collect the output into a table and then at the end turn the output table into a string with table.concat
t = {
print"return {"
for i=1,#t do
for j=1,#t[i] do
Assuming that:
- You don't have loops (table a referencing table b and b referencing a)
- Your tables are pure arrays (all keys are consecutive positive integers, starting on 1)
- Your values are integers only (no strings, etc)
Then a recursive solution is easy to implement:
function serialize(t)
local serializedValues = {}
local value, serializedValue
for i=1,#t do
value = t[i]
serializedValue = type(value)=='table' and serialize(value) or value
table.insert(serializedValues, serializedValue)
return string.format("{ %s }", table.concat(serializedValues, ', ') )
Prepend the string resulting from this function with a return
, store it on a .lua file:
-- myfile.lua
return { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6 } }
You can just use dofile to get the table back.
t = dofile 'myfile.lua'
- If you have loops, then you will have to handle them explicitly - usually with an extra table to "keep track" of repetitions
- If you don't have pure arrays, then you will have to parse t differently, as well as handle the way the keys are rendered (are they strings? are they other tables? etc).
- If you have more than just integers
and subtables, then calculating
will be more complex.
I have shorter code to convert table to string but not reverse
function compileTable(table)
local index = 1
local holder = "{"
while true do
if type(table[index]) == "function" then
index = index + 1
elseif type(table[index]) == "table" then
holder = holder..compileTable(table[index])
elseif type(table[index]) == "number" then
holder = holder..tostring(table[index])
elseif type(table[index]) == "string" then
holder = holder.."\""..table[index].."\""
elseif table[index] == nil then
holder = holder.."nil"
elseif type(table[index]) == "boolean" then
holder = holder..(table[index] and "true" or "false")
if index + 1 > #table then
holder = holder..","
index = index + 1
return holder.."}"
if you want change the name just search all compileTable change it to you preferred name because this function will call it self if it detect nested table but escape sequence I don't know if it work
if you use this to create a lua executable file that output the table it will ge compilation error if you put new line and " sequence this method is more memory efficient
- Function not supported
- User data I don't know
My solution:
local nl = string.char(10) -- newline
function serialize_list (tabl, indent)
indent = indent and (indent.." ") or ""
local str = ''
str = str .. indent.."{"
for key, value in pairs (tabl) do
local pr = (type(key)=="string") and ('["'..key..'"]=') or ""
if type (value) == "table" then
str = (value, indent)..','
elseif type (value) == "string" then
str ='"'..tostring(value)..'",'
str =','
str = str:sub(1, #str-1) -- remove last symbol
str ="}"
return str
local str = serialize_list(tables)
print('return '