
Java equivalent ( or similar ) to powershell

I am aware of JMX, however I would not consider it anywhere near or equivalent to PowerShell or some other command-line/shell. For instance, JMX Beans and JConsole seem more like a GUI, where the user开发者_开发技巧 can perform operations only provided they are directly available by said bean. You cannot do more complex operations like filter, pipe, etc. This is where command-lines/shells like PowerShell go a little further.

Can anyone make any suggestions towards creating something more like PowerShell and less like JMX?

What FOSS libraries can help me get there ?

Have you tried Beanshell ?

You also can use Groovy or Scala, both have a "shell" feature. In fact most dynamic languages for the JVM have a shell like interpreter.

Apache Karaf has a console system built-in that's easy to extend. I don't know if it can call JMX without a bit of work, but I do know it's very easy to add commands to it.

Not as comprehensive as powershell, but it might be good enough to get the job done for you.





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